OMG Individual Code of Conduct

"OMG is first and foremost a community of professionals who have come together to collaborate on shared concerns, problems, and solutions. "

So begins the Position Statement of our OMG Individual Code of Conduct (or Code).  Adopted by the OMG Board of Directors in March 2020, the Code is a set of guidelines for promoting professionalism and mutual respect in all interactions within our communities. The Code also establishes a body of Ombuds who can assist with navigating uncomfortable situations. We invite you to read the following documents for guidance and consideration.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via the address.

OMG Individual Code of Conduct

OMG Individual Code of Conduct Institutes a set of policies, procedures, and guidelines for effective community support and growth. The Code is official OMG policy and acceptance of it is a requirement for individual participation in OMG events or mailings.

OMG Communications Policies and Practices

OMG Communication Policies and Practices A collection of best practices that can aid in effective communication, including details of date and time designation, recording of audio or video, and general email netiquette.

OMG Ombuds

Ombuds are individuals who have stepped forward to assist the communities with understanding and encouraging the policies described within the Code.  You may reach all Ombuds as a collective group via

At this date, the OMG Ombuds are:

  • Bill Hoffman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
  • Jason McC. Smith, OMG VP / Technical Director
  • Elisa Kendall, Thematix
  • Ron Zahavi, Microsoft

Anonymous Channel

There will be times when approaching an Ombud may not be feasible.  We invite you to contact us through the following link, where you may leave an anonymous message at any time: