-- New OMG Initiative--
OMG launches cross-consortia working group to drive industry innovation.
Not Standards Organizations.
OMG consortia let members focus on what's important.
And Understanding.
OMG consortia are run by people who know your business... and theirs.
When tech organizations, government, and academia need to solve discrete pieces of a technology puzzle or discuss matters of common interest—they often look to join or form a consortium.
Since 1989, we have created and nurtured a productive community with common technology interests and problems to resolve. We are global, not-for-profit, and vendor neutral.
“We value OMG oversight and experience in creating simple, flexible, and extensible data model standards. We envision these standards as the basis for supply chain data exchange across globally distributed networks in the future.”
– Ron Zahavi
OMG was founded to create technology standards.
Over the years, we perfected a time-tested formula in which problems are identified and solutions are solicited, debated, revised and opened for comments. The process is repeated until the most technically and commercially sound ideas are ready to be integrated into products and systems.
This standards work is continued today by our Standards Development Organization (SDO), which maintains and owns the standards for the benefit of industry, thanks in large part, to the passion of individual members and the organizations that sponsor them.
In parallel, the parent OMG organization now focuses its efforts on building new consortia. We have a time-tested organizational development, level-playing-field governance model, and access to the expertise of a pantheon of who’s who in the technology realm.

Our SDO drives standards related to software and system modeling as well as software middleware while helping define the semantics of markets, also known as, ontologies. Explore our SDO.
How We Serve You
Our services are specialized, technical, and focused. The keys to our success include more than 30 years of experience, a strong technology backbone, and proven, repeatable processes.
- In our consortia, we guide day-to-day operations and provide clear governance that addresses anti-trust regulations and intellectual property protection.
- In our SDO, we are responsible for the operation of specification development, operational practices, certification programs, and training deployment.
“OMG membership has enabled us to establish leadership positions in creating specifications in different domains, including but not limited to, data ontologies, cloud, IoT, banking, artifical intelligence, cybersecurity, retail, regulations, and higher education.”
– Sumeet Malhotra, Infinity Technology Incorporated
We are best known for our consortia and programs we support as well as the advancements that emerge from them. Founding members are a roster of tech icons. However, four out of five member organizations today are small companies.
We build communities (a.k.a., ecosystems, sandboxes, and think tanks) with the most accommodating rules anywhere. Our consortia are where ideas proffered by anyone are pondered by everyone and where real work is accomplished and technological breakthroughs are frequent events. Our standards are pervasive and used across diverse industries and applications (e.g., International Space Station communication protocols and the receipt function in your grocer’s point-of-sale terminal). See for yourself what our collaborative work, innovation, and intelligence is delivering today:

The only global, membership-funded non-profit alliance dedicated to helping accelerate the adoption of Enterprise Augmented Reality (AR) by supporting the growth of a comprehensive ecosystem.

The Consortium for Information and Software Quality develops standards to automate software quality measurement and promote secure, reliable, and trustworthy software.

Digital Twin Consortium drives the awareness, adoption, interoperability, and development of digital twin technology. The Consortium is dedicated to the overall development of digital twins.

OMG® is a global, open-membership, non-profit tech standards consortium formed in 1989. Driven by vendors, end-users, academia, and government agencies, OMG develops integration standards for various technologies and industries.

Collaborative platforms for networking, accessing tools, and staying current on industry trends. Engage in projects for expertise and career growth, with specialized resources for distinction in diverse industries and technologies.